Phet Physics Sims
Physical Science Simulators - make sure you search for "My Solar System"
Line Rider
Physics Game - draw the track and hit play to watch the character move. You must use your knowledge of momentum to be
Car of the Future - Open Content
Use the "Car of the Future" raw footage to create your own car of the future movie. Make sure you include information
about speed, velocity, acceleration, and enironmental impact when you do this.
Fantastic Contraption
Build compound machines to solve puzzles.
The Odd Machine
New EdHeads module about compound machines.
Edheads Simple Machines
Learn about the six simple machines and how they combine to let you do more work. Staplerrrrrr
Edheads Crash Scene Science
Great momentum and collisons website. Apply your knowledge of Newton's Laws as you work your way through a crash scene.
Brainpop Motion, Forces, and Time
Brainpop physics review - velocity, acceleration, force, and more!
Physics Central
Interactive website contains articles and information about all things physics.
Icecube Neutrino Observatory
Why study neutrinos? Only these tiny particles can open our eyes to the bizarre world of black holes.
Physics of Baseball
Physics is everywhere - learn how baseball works from a physics perspective. There is information about different types
of bats and the forces involved in baseball. Great application of class concepts.
PSU Heat and Thermal Dynamics
Animated simulations for heat, thermodynamics, and kinetic theory.
PSU Mechanics Simulators
Animated simulators for Newton's Laws, Circular Motion, Projectiles, Energy, and More.
PSU Modern Physics Sims
Sims for time travel, time dilation, and more.
PSU Vector Physics Sims
Animations to help further the understanding of velocity vectors.
Momentum Crash Simulator
Change the variables of a collision. You can manipulate friction, mass, and the angle of the collision. Try to
predict what will happen first before you let the simulation run. Remember that momentum depends on the mass and velocity
of the object.
Newton's Laws Tutorial
Science Channel Interactive - Newton's Laws
Detailed explanation of Newton's Laws.
Animated Engines
A great application of simple and compound machines. Check out the engines to see how the machines work together.
Physics Lessons
Get physics lessons and labs here. There are also quizzes at "Q-Physics". This is resource for the Dearborn Public
NASA tutorial about Aerodynamics. It is a beginner's guide about forces on objects like planes and a beach ball.
It contains downloadable movies and lots of other interactive content. Great application for physics.
Marvin and Milo
Interactive Portion of Physics.org website
Physics.org website covers physics all around you. The first link has some at-home experiments that you can try
(with adult supervision). You can also check out the interactive portion that has video-to-go and physics games.
Physics Virtual Lab
Virtual lab with tons of physics experiments. Everything from traffic light patterns to classical mechanics.
Physics Zone - Science Joy Wagon
Organized by topic, this website teaches basic algrebra and trig based physics.
Junk Yard Wars
Build your own junk yard car, play interactive games and puzzles, and learn how to apply your knowledge of simple machines.
Kung Fu Science
The science behind this amazing martial art. Features the physics behind many of the movements in kung fu.
Virtual Physics Lab from Hazelwood School District
Interactive lessons on every physics topic in the curriculum. Some of the links are no longer active but many (such as
velocity) are working. Good graphical representation of important physics concepts.
Fear of Physics
Physics explained. Interactive physics, chemistry, and astronomy modules. Shows physics in action - covers all
topics in the curriculum such as why things fall, basketball, how seesaws work, sound, and more!
Roller Coaster Videos
Great study of potential and kinetic energy. You can also describe and apply the six types of energy : mechanical, nuclear,
thermal, electric, electromagnetic, and chemical. You can see videos of modern roller coasters and see what the newest
designs in roller coasters look like!
Funderstanding Roller Coaster
Design a roller coaster
Brings together alot of physics concepts. You must be able to apply your knowledge of energy, momentum, and gravity
to get the roller coaster to work.
BBC Bitesize Physics
BBC Middle and High School level physics lessons - interactive graphics and quizzes.
UCLA Physics Applet website - covers physics across the curriculum with java animations. Anything from motion to the
physics of a rainbow. Includes light/sound and electricity/magnetism.
Online Physics Tutorial
Online physics modules - operates like a textbook. Includes explanations and sample problems. This is a great website
to go to if you need to review a physics concept, learn one for the first time, or to see a concept once agian.
If you miss a lesson on a physics concept, work your way through the tutorials to help gain a better understanding of what
we are going over.
Physics of Baseball
A series of powerpoints that teach about the physics and physical concepts behind baseball. Very thorough and very informative.