Group Project Guidelines - Note - Students may work in pairs. Students must be in the same grade and have science
during the same marking period.
Before you begin your group project, please review the following :
1. Once your project is approved, you may not leave your group or change partners.
2. Consider the activities you and your partner are involved in during the week. Write down times and locations that you
would be able to meet. If you can meet at least once a week for 1-2 hours to work on your project, then you can work together.
If not, you should consider doing a project on your own.
3. On a separate sheet of paper, list the requirements that each group member plans to complete. Turn this in to me so
that I can approve your group. Please include your name and class on the paper.
4. You must obtain signatures from the parent/guardian of each group member prior to beginning your group project. Include
these signatures on the document you turn in (see #3).
5. Your grade will be the same as your partner's regardless of the amount of work done by each member of the group.
6. Your group will consist of 2 members only.
7. Due dates will not change due to schedule conflicts - please arrange to have all work completed by the due date.
8. Each group member will complete their background research requirement. The final paper will be done as a group.
9. It is your responsibility to complete your science fair project. Please consider your partner carefully before you begin
working on your science project.
10. During the science fair, one or both of you may be interviewed. You are both expected to know about your science project.
Print out of this page and signatures due with Application Form.