Mr. Breslow's 8th Grade Science
8th Grade Science – Mr. Breslow
2008-2009 School Year
Course Outline
I.Class Essentials
1.Three ring binder or composition book. Be prepared to remove papers from your book. Feel free to include science as a part of your binder with your other subjects.
2.Calculator - does not have to be a scientific calulator.
3.Student is expected to have a pen or pencil for class everyday.
4.A folder to keep loose papers.
There are several different textbooks that I use during the course of the year. The textbooks stay in the classroom and are not sent home. The textbooks are available online at : . Login information will become available at the start of the school year. If you would like a class set to be sent home, please make your request in writing. Thanks!
III.Class Rules
1.Students are to enter the room quietly and orderly. There will be an activity posted on the main screen to begin each class period. Students are expected to complete the warm up exercise in an orderly fashion.
2.Students are expected to raise their hands before speaking. This is an act of courtesy and should be followed at all times. Random calling out is disruptive and will not be accepted in the science classroom environment.
3.During instructional time, students should not interrupt the instructor or other students. Discipline procedures as outlined in the student handbook will be enforced should a student cause frequent disruptions.
4.School rules listed in the student handbook will be enforced.
IV. Topics to be covered - The list below is a general outline as to which topics will be covered during the school year. As the sciences are integrated, students will find that topics from all sciences can be covered at any time.
Earth and Space Sciences
Open and closed circuits, currents, protons, atomic energy, nuclear energy, magnetism, types of magnets, types of electricity, how electricity gets to your house,waves, Wavelength, Seismic Waves, Computer Technology, Sampling, Mixing, Frequency, Pitch, Sonar, Ultrasound, Electromagnetic Spectrum, and other topics in Sound and Light, Rocketry, Earth, Moon, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Weather, Water, Gravity, Stars, Planets, Starlab, Galaxies, Rocks and Minerals, Environmental Science, Time, Backyard Astronomy, the Sun, and other topics in Astronomy.
Motion, Forces, and Energy
Motion, Speed, Velocity, Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, Acceleration, Newton’s Laws, Potential and Kinetic Energy, Power, Heat, Machines, Rubber Band Powered Cars, Types of Energy, Physics Apprentice, Science and Technology, Project Surf, and other topics in Motion.
Chemical Building Blocks
Scientific Method, Parts of the Lab, Lab Report Writing Techniques , Graph and Data Analysis, Science Project Primer (September), States of Matter, Starlab, Weight, Mass, Volume, Temperature, Physical/Chemical Properties of Matter, Biochemistry, The Periodic Table, Balancing Chemical Equations, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Compounds, Carbon, Other Topics in Chemistry.
V. Science Projects : This independent science project enables students to engage in scientific inquiry and to learn the stages of a detailed scientific experiment. Students will participate in the Renaissance Science Fair and learn the steps of a long term project. The project will be done mostly in school.
VI. Homework/Make Up Work : Check my main website for homework announcements. Students are expected to turn homework in on time. 10% of the value of the assignment is taken off for late work. Students that are absent are expected to turn in work upon their return. Please email with any questions. Thanks!
Quizzes : Given about once a week on the Renaissance Responder system - quizzes are posted in advance and are designed to measure student mastery of concepts. Quizzes are based on materials from the student notebook and service as a weekly notebook check. Each quiz is 5 questions long and usually takes about 10 minutes to complete. Prep time for quizzes is about the same as a typical homework assignment. The quiz is posted by Tuesday of the week it is given - students can read the questions and prepare as needed. Students are encouraged to ask questions in class prior to the quiz or come in for help by appointment. Results are given instantly - quizzes can not be corrected but keep an eye out for extra credit.
Quiz Make Up :
Students will complete a print out of the quiz upon return to school. The quiz will be identical to the one given class.
Exams : Major exams are given quarterly. Students are permitted to bring a 3x5 card to the exam with any relevant notes from their notebooks. Exam questions are based on quizzes and classwork and questions are always posted prior to the exam. I will post a list of 30 questions - 20 of which will make it to the exam.
Blue Labs - these are informal lab activities that do not require a major written report. Sometimes a blue lab will reinforce data collection or procedure writing. Blue lab requirements are adjusted to the needs of the class at the time and the amount of time we have to complete the activity. Blue labs are to be done in class. Students may be asked to finish a Blue Lab at home but these usually won't end up as homework. Blue labs are worth 50 points and can not be corrected. As always, students can keep an eye out for extra credit assignments to help out with correction points. Students that miss a blue lab need to get the material from a partner in class and make sure they are current with class information. Students that miss one of these labs that find themselves unsure of the content can make an appointment with me to review the material.
Gold Labs - these are the formal lab reports that are designed to allow students to use the scientific method to thoroughly explore a topic. These reports can be long so students need to manage their time both in class and at home when these reports are assigned. Students that miss gold labs need to get the material from a friend in the grade or from me. Gold labs are level 3 assignments worth 100 points. Students may correct a gold lab to get points back. The amount of points returned depends on the amount of corrections done. Gold lab corrections are accepted until the end of the marking period they are done in. For example, if a student does corrections for the first gold lab of the year, I'll take those corrections until mid-November when the first marking period ends.
VII. Grading
Assignments are given on four different levels with varying amounts of difficulty and point values :
Level I : 25 Points - Example : Current Events Homework, Quiz, Classwork Assignment, Spot notebook check.
Level II : 50 Points - Example : Class worksheet, Blue Lab, various homework assignments, parts of the science project
Level III : 100 Points - Example : Gold Lab, parts of science project
Level IV : 200 Points - Example : Physics Apprentice, Project Star Track
Extra Credit : Level III and IV assignments can be corrected until the end of the marking period in which they are given. Level I and II assignments can not be corrected though periodic extra credit assignments will be available for students to make up for lost points.
The grade at each interim and marking period is determined by dividing the number of points earned into the number of possible points. This decimal is then multiplied by 100 to get the grade. Assignments that are not turned in are given a grade of zero until turned in.
VIII : To Contact Me : Please call the main office at 856-227-3534 or email me at (district email to be posted ASAP).