Glen Landing Renaissance Science Fair and Exposition

Data Book
Time Management
Topic Selection
Day of the Fair
Final Paper
What's Next?
Group Project Guidelines
Application Form
Visual Display
Background Research
Assignment Checklist
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Welcome to the Science Project Website for Mr. Breslow's 8th Grade Science Class!

   Welcome to the 2008-2009 Science Project Web Site!
    The purpose of the science project is to have students complete an independent scientific investigation using the scienctific method. Students will solve a real world problem using the scientific method.   
   We will be completing portions of the project at school and there will be components that the students need to complete at home.  As always, keep track of your goals and ask for help when you need it!
   The website is just about up to date - I will be adjusting due dates and assignments as needed so keep checking back.

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Science Project Review...

  Control - what you are comparing your experiment to. Example - a plant that gets regular sun and water.

   Independent Variable - what you are testing. Example - instead of water, you will feed your plants with different types of energy drinks to see how they impact plant growth. You will make sure the plants get just as much sun as your control plant.

   Dependent Varible - what you are trying to find out. In this case, you want to measure the plant growth and then compare how the energy drink plants grew with respect to the control plant.

Space Background with Welcome

Featured Science Fair Website... - Jersey Shore Science Fair - this is a regional fair where some of the top projects in New Jersey compete every March. Check out last year's winners for project ideas.

Remember, if you need help, please email or come in for help. If you are coming in for help, please get a pass from me the day before so I am prepared to help you. Thanks!

Please get in touch with any questions or comments on my site.

Official website for your science fair project!